41"Factory complies with current M&S Restricted Substance List (RSL) 工廠是否遵守現行的馬莎百貨受限物質清單(RSL)?" 42"Factory complies with current M&S Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL) 工廠是否遵守現行馬莎百貨生產受限物質清單(MRSL)?" 43"Factory complies with current REACH regulations 工廠是否遵守現行的 REACH 法規?" 44"Factory has current inventory of all dyes and chemicals used on site 工廠備有現場使用的所有染料和化學品庫存清單" Environmental compliance 環境管理 45"All effluent is treated in a fully functional effluent treatment plant (ETP) 所有廢水都經過功能齊備的廢水處理工廠(ETP)進行處理" 46"Are Chemicals released into soil or surface water drains? 是否向土壤或地表排水渠排放化學物質?" 47"Has factory had any prosecutions in past 12 months? 工廠過去 12 個月內是否受到過指控?" 48"Factory is fully compliant with local and national environmental laws and standards 工廠充分遵守地方及**環境法律和標準" Safety & Employment Compliance 安全與雇傭合規 49"Compliance with local and national laws for fire prevention 遵守地方及**消防法律" 50"Compliance with local health, safety and employment legislation 遵守地方的健康、安全與雇傭法規" 51"Compliance with national minimum wage, minimum age and maximum working hours legislation 遵守****工資,**年齡和*長工作時間法規"