
高級搜索 標王直達
石家莊包裝彩印  紙袋紙、杯紙  其他包裝用紙  防油紙、防潮紙  絲印輔助器材  絲印模具器材  ALC板批發  POF收縮膜  包裝機械  更多


品牌: 包裝制品,包裝材料,包裝容器,包裝設備
單價: 面議
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
所在地: 浙江 金華市 義烏市
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2021-01-04
瀏覽次數: 2590


Xiamen sanhezheng industry and Trade Co., Ltd


Xiamen sanhezheng industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is located in Xiamen City, which has the reputation of "maritime city". It is a professional manufacturer of primary plastic cups, primary plastic bowls, milk tea cups, printing cups, paper cups and other products. Xiamen sanhezheng industry and Trade Co., Ltd. can produce disposable plastic cups according to the specifications and samples provided by customers, and print plastic cups with patterns of less than 6 colors. The company has a complete and scientific quality management system. The products in the company use food grade plastic cup raw materials, and can be cold stored or microwave heated according to the actual objects, which meets the international food hygiene packaging standards, and the quality is guaranteed. At present, the company serves several well-known food and beverage factories in China, and has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with a number of retailers, agents, brand milk tea chain stores and mung bean ice manufacturers. Xiamen sanhezheng industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is recognized by the industry for its integrity, strength and product quality. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and business negotiation.



電  話:13799258971

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地  址:福建 廈門市 馬巷鎮巷北路965號


PKWE包裝世界(深圳)博覽會暨包裝容器、包裝制品與材料展覽會(簡稱:PKWE )于2021年5月7日-9日將在深圳會展中心舉辦。PKWE包含——食品飲料/烘焙包裝展區、禮品與輕奢品包裝展區 、日用消費品/化妝品包裝展區、電商/物流包裝展區、綠色創新包材展區、智能包裝技術展區六大專題展區,重點展示各類包裝制品/容器/包材以及包裝加工的創新技術產品。覆蓋食品、飲品、甜點、焙制、醫藥、化妝品、禮品、輕奢品、茶葉、非食品消費品、工業產品、物流快遞包裝等終端領域包裝。同期20+場商貿配對活動,為展商和買家實現*質資源精準對接,從技術研討、高峰論壇、*牌推廣、銷售渠道、配套服務、線上直播等多維度為企業賦能,旨在產業對接、進一步加強廣泛交流合作,開創國際包裝盛宴。PKWE·包裝世界博覽會組委會服務熱線1728090197524小時在線為您服務


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