產品介紹SMC液體回收器排氣壓利用型,日本SMCMount with the exhaust pressure IN sidefacing up. Mounting on a slant may resultin the check valve malfunctioning.2. selec the exhaust port side that does notrequire an air cylinder speed control.3. Mount a silencer (AN200-02) on theexhaust port of the AEP100 to preventthe intrusion of dust from outside.When the exhaust pressure from the switching valve enters into port u, the piston i and diaphragm y compress anddisplace spring r, the exhaust pressure is released into the atmosphere from exhaust port o, and at the same time thediaphragm is returned to its original condition by the recovery power of the spring.At this time, the diaphragm interior !0 is under 產品屬性negative pressure, causing the check ball !1 to be closed while check ball !3open, and causing built-up oil outside to enter 主要用途into the diaphragm interior.When exhaust pressure once again enters, operation of the piston and diaphragm causes the diaphragm to be其他說明compressed, and check ball !1 opens, causing the oil in the diaphragm interior to be discharged from discharge port !2.交易說明預付百分之五十訂貨,余款結清后發貨,非人為損壞,質保一年