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品牌: SICK
單價: 面議
起訂: 1 普通
供貨總量: 1 普通
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
所在地: 安徽 安慶市 樅陽縣
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2015-01-12
瀏覽次數: 733
產品介紹世格8210系列先導式電磁閥阿斯卡電磁閥with 7/8" hole for 1/2" conduit hub (16.8 watt)Optional: Explosionproof and Watertight, Types 3, 3S, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 7, and 9.(To order, add prefix “EF” to catalog number.)6, 12, 24, 120, 240 volts DC. Must be specified when ordering.Standard: Watertight, Types 1, 2, 3, 3S, 4, and 4X (all except 16.8 watt).metal Type 1 General Purpose housing Note: Wattages 16.1 and 20.1 meet Type 7 Groups A, B, C, and D;and Type 9 Groups E and F only.Operate at low pressures: no minimum required; upto 15 psi (1 bar) maximum differential? Normally closed or normally open operation? Widely used for dispensing, collating, gas shutoff,vacuum holding, and tank draining applications產品屬性On all 50 hertz service, the watt rating for the 6.1/F solenoid is 8.1 watts.= Safety Shutoff Valve;  = General Purpose Valve. Refer to Engineering Section (Approvals) for details.其他說明? Normally open valve well suited for venting systemsStandard Voltages: 24, 120, 240, 480 volts AC, 60 Hz (or 110, 220 volts AC, 50 Hz),交易說明預付百分之五十訂貨,余款結清后發貨,非人為損壞,質保一年

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