1、技術參數(shù)Main Technical Parameters
電源 Voltage 三相四線制 50Hz 380V/220V 功率消耗 Power 3.5kw 放卷*大直徑 Diameter of unwinder 400mm 制袋長度 Length of making bag 70-1200mm 制袋寬度 Width of making bag 400-650mm 制袋線速度 Feeding speed 40m/min
伺服電機,步進電機(任選) Servo motor, stepper motor (optional) 變頻調速 Frequency Control PLC人機界面操作,7”彩色觸摸屏 PLC man-machine interface control, 7” touch screen 氣動銅排熱合 Pneumatic copper bars heat 切袋方式為飛刀,飛刀由氣缸或伺服驅動 All bags for flying knife, controlled by pneumatic or servo 光電跟蹤定長 Electro-optical tracking fixed-length