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plastic slip sheet 塑料滑托盤

品牌: 雙忠
單價: 9.00元/平方米
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
所在地: 上海 嘉定區
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2017-04-05
瀏覽次數: 827

Plastic slip sheet in herits the virtues of the paper slip Sheet, in addition, it has higher anti-humidity, chute-slide characteristic and tear resistant. All these increase the using turnovers greatly. With the improving reorganization of logistics, slipper sheer will be accepted by more and more exporting companies. It not only makes the cost down but also save the transportation space resulted to improve its added value.

Environmenrai protection: All the materials are ncironmental, innocuous and comply with the standard exporting to Europe, USA and Japan ets. The materials can be recycled thoroughly.

Carrying capacity: More that 0-2500KG(can be designed to meet the customers'demand)

Antimagneric Capacity: Made up of HDPE and no any magnetic effect and so on.

Dimension: Reaonabel design to meet thedifferentloadingreauirements, different specialization demands of the customers, in addition, theinking of making use of the space ets.

Materails Be made of high quality craft paper, possessing good anti-humidity and tear resistant.

1. It's just like a paper so can save more space of the containers and the transportation vehicles.
2. Save the transportarion fee because of its portability and small bulk.
3. Need small store space, 1000pics-1 cute.
4. NO need turnover so save the money for turnocer.
5. No need material recycling.
6. No need repair and loss.
7. No need manage or recycling control.

Slip sheet system: It needs the forklift with push-and-pull machine. Transportation and stocking needn't pallets. It's very fit for the sea and internal ransportation. This system has been used well in Enrope U. S. A. Japab Because of its incomparable stabdard, saving space and low cost, it is inevitable become the end method for the international transporration.

塑料滑托板/塑膠滑托板/塑料滑板/塑料滑托盤(Plastic Slip sheet):所用的主,輔材料都是環保材料。

塑膠滑托板是比紙滑托板更具高素質的抗濕性和抗撕裂性。 塑料滑托板乃托盤化裝載運輸領域中較為*先的技術,是替代木、紙、塑料托盤(卡板)的理想換代產品。




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