1-Aluminum purity for tubes is 99.7 % and solidity is from 18.00 to 21.00 Brinel unit.
2-Aluminum purity for cans is not less than 99.5 % and max. solidity is 23.00 Brinel unit .
3-Chemical Properties For Tube and Cans
a-silicon 0.1 %
b- iron 0.2 %
c- copper 0.3 %
d-arsenic 0.05 %
e-magnesium 0.03 %
f- manganese 0.03 %
Price/Ton Tons ITEMS No.
25 Aluminum slugs for tubes
Without center hole 18.8 x 4.7 mm
20 Aluminum slugs for tubes
Without center hole 21.8 x 4.5 mm
20 Aluminum slugs for tubes
Without center hole 21.8 x 4.7
20 Aluminum slugs for tubes
Without center holes 24.8 x4.5
30 Aluminum slugs for tubes
Without center hole 27.8 x 5mm
Total Quantity=115 Tons